Thought Of The Week

The great thing about getting older is that you get the chance to tell the people in your life who matter what they mean to you. (Mike Love)


Letting people be wrong about you while keeping your peace and focus is the most misunderstood power move you will ever make. (Morgan Richard Olivier)

Taking on a challenge is like riding a horse. If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it then you’re not doing it right. (Ted Lasso)

Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.

(Fred Rogers)

A bride is the most beautiful poem ever written. (Oscar Wilde)

Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. (Dolly Parton)

We mothers are learning to mark our mothering success by our daughters’ lengthening flight.

(Letty Cottin Pogebrin)

A mother’s job is to teach her children not to need her. The hardest part of that job is accepting that success. (anonymous)

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. (Chinese proverb)

He who knows only his own side of the case knows little…. (John Stuart Mill)

To love somebody for better or worse, for all of your days, involves a certain kind of surrendering of the “I” for the sake of the “we.” It involves allowing another person to play a role in defining who we are and what we value. (Michal Liebowitz)

We are the people our parents warned us about. (Jimmy Buffett)

An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again. Any longer and you’ll start to age quickly. (Anonymous)

I find my life is a lot easier the lower I keep my expectations. (Bill Waterson)

There’s no wifi in the desert but I found a better connection in Sedona (Bella Wilde)

There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going. (Beverly Sills)

Parenting is an expression of hope, indeed one of the deepest and most vulnerable commitments you can make in the spirit of hope.  (Pete Buttigieg)

It is up to us whether to be happy for what we have, or unhappy for what we don’t have.

(Shon Mehta)

There is a sacred obligation to defend the peaceful transfer of power which has been honored by every American president—except one. (Liz Cheney)

To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. (Nelson Mandela)

Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, “You owe me.” A love like that lights the whole sky. (Hafez)

If there’s a book that you want to read but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.

(Toni Morrison)

Words are, of course, the most powerful medicine used by mankind. (Rudyard Kipling)

Grandmas are short on criticism and long on love. (Janet Lanese)

The first rule of burning down the patriarchy is not to use other women for kindling (Anonymous)

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough. (Oprah Winfrey)

Your children are your rainbows; your grandchildren are your pot of gold. (Anonymous)

Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t so. (Lemony Snicket)

Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you’re a good person is kind of like expecting a lion not to attack you because you’re a vegetarian. (Dennis Wholey)

If a vaccinated person gets infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus will have a battle on its hands, since the vaccine has primed the vaccinated person with robust immune defenses that can shut down the virus before it has a chance to get very far. (Deborah Fuller, Professor of Microbiology, U of Washington School of Medicine)

What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation. (Glenn Close)

Life begins small (and) is not always easy…(but) in every corner of the world there is something to love. And something to protect. (Cynthia Rylant)

The good physician treats the disease. The great physician treats the patient who has the disease. (William Osler)

A mother is a person who, seeing there are four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces that she never did care for pie. (Tenneva Jordan)

Avevo bisogno di una lingua differente; una lingua che fosse un luogo di affecto e di riflessione. (I needed a different language; a language that was a place of affection and reflection.) (Antonio Tabucchi)

People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love. (Nelson Mandela)

Adulthood is a line drawn in the sand. At some point your child will be standing on the other side.

(Jody Piccoult)

Brave…is finding a new normal. (Gina LaPapa)

Bad days happen to everyone, but when one happens to you, just keep doing your best and never let a bad day make you feel bad about yourself. (Big Bird)

Your time is limited. Get to it. Embrace the imperfections. (Jon Batiste)

Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world. (Sharon Salzberg)

All indications are the president has become unmoored, not just from his duty or even his oath but from reality itself. (Rep. Adam Kinzinger)

You’ll never get bored when you try something new. There’s really no limit to what you can do.

(Dr. Seuss)

What if, today, we were thankful for everything? (Charlie Brown)

We should all do something to right the wrongs that we see and not just complain about them. (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis)

We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. (Elie Wiesel)

I’ve lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened. (Mark Twain)

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. (James Baldwin)

Modern man thinks he loses something–time–when he does not do things quickly; yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains except kill it. (Erich Fromm)

This process of election affords a moral certainty that the office of President will seldom fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. (Alexander Hamilton)

You may be the first to do many things, but just be sure you’re not the last. (Kamala Harris)

Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America. (John Lewis)

I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care for other people. (Dr. Anthony Fauci)

For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. (Nelson Mandela)

I don’t think we want to call something a psychiatric problem when it is an understandable response to a stressful situation. (Nadine Kaslow, PhD)

There is no neutrality in the racism struggle…one either allows racial inequalities to persevere, as a racist, or confronts racial inequalities as an anti-racist. (Ibram X. Kendi)

A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. (Cardinal Mermillod)

In an emergency, what treatment can be given by ear? Words of comfort. (Abraham Verghese)

I’m thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength. (Alex Elle)

Every hand that we don’t shake must become a phone call that we place. (Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky)

We are most alive when we’re in love. (John Updike)

If you see me talking to myself, just move along. I’m self employed and we’re having a staff meeting. (

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day. (Edith Lovejoy Pierce)

L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. (What is essential is invisible to the eyes) (from Saint-Exupéry’s “The Little Prince.”)

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…but if the white runs out I’ll take red. (Anonymous Napan)

I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old fashioned way – invited everyone to my house, we had an enormous feast, then I killed them and took their land. (John Stewart)

Do the best that you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. (Maya Angelou)

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. (Neale Donald Walsch)

Fashion. Orgasms. Babies. These things are temporary. Intellect is forever. (Pam Grier)

Let us use history to push a country forward, to help us believe that all things are possible and to demand a country lives up to its stated ideals. (Lonnie G. Bunch III)

I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. (Sylvia Plath)

Grief is praise, because it is the natural way love honors what it misses. (Martin Prechtel)

Women get married and expect their husbands to change; men get married and expect their wives to stay the same…both are disappointed. (Old Jewish saying)

Going through a dead parent’s memorabilia is a hazardous undertaking; there is a fine line between pleasure and pain. (Anne Fadiman)

I often wonder if my first breath was as soul-stirring to my mother as her last breath was to me. (Lisa Goich-Andreadis)

A little bit of Las Vegas goes a long way. (Hunter S. Thompson)

Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps. The sleeper must awaken. (Frank Herbert)

The difference between a broken community and a thriving one is the presence of women who are valued. (Michelle Obama)

The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land. (G.K. Chesterton)

My mother told me relationships are like shoes: No matter how beautiful they are or how much you love them, if they’re not a good fit there will be pain with every step. (Kathleen Chiu)

The mistakes of youth are an education. The mistakes later on are just a shame. (Frank Bruni)

Television is not the truth! Television is a God-damned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, side-show freaks, lion tamers, and football players. (Howard Beale, Network)

Children don’t just need to know they’re loved. They need to know that nothing they do will change the fact that they are loved. (Alfie Kohn)

No matter how old she may be, sometimes a girl just needs her mom. (Cardinal Mermillon)

Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds. (Gordon Hinckley)

You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page. (Jodi Picoult)

The biggest gap in sports is the one between the winner and the loser of the Superbowl. (John Madden)

If you wanna get a good taste of powder, first you have to eat some. (Bob Barnes)

It turns out childbirth is really…messy. (Ryan North)

There’s just this place where you’re happiest and most at ease and unpack your bags once and for all. The pretty, imperfect, unimagined place you decide to call home. (Stephen McCauley)

The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children. (Cardinal Mermillod)

Things are never quite as scary when you’ve got a best friend. (Bill Watterson)

Boston is such a unique city. I feel like 50 percent of its DNA turns over every semester. (Michael Bastian)

Not voting is not a protest. It is a surrender. (Keith Ellison)

The insertion of the state into the physician’s office–where some of the most private and often excruciatingly difficult choices are made–is devoid of compassion, and flagrantly unjust. (Dr. Jonathan Zenilman)

Sons are the anchors of a mother’s life. (Sophocles)

Some people see things the way they are and ask “Why?”  I see things the way they should be, and ask “Why Not?” (George Bernard Shaw)

Ideally, travel broadens our perspectives personally, culturally and politically. Suddenly the palette with which we paint the story of our lives has more colors. (Rick Steves)

Why does a woman work ten years to change a man’s habits, and then complain that he’s not the man she married? (Barbara Streisand)

The most unusual and surrealistic place in New York City is Central Park. (Kenneth T. Jackson)

The best thing that we can do is to let someone know that they are loved and capable of loving. (Fred Rogers)

I am here at Lake Tahoe and there is magic at 6,000 feet. (Frederick Lenz)

In Italy, they add work and life onto food and wine. (Robin Leach)

It is a wise father that knows his own child. (William Shakespeare)

There’s lots of great food in America. But the fast food is as destructive and evil as it gets. (Anthony Bourdain)

The more we distrust our experts and reach for a quick answer, the more we leave ourselves open to the fanatics and the charlatans. (Anthony Warner)

I’m from Texas, and one of the reasons I like Texas is there’s no one in control. (Willy Nelson)

Those who think they have not the time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. (Edward Stanley)

The true New Yorker secretly believes that people living anywhere else have to be, in some sense, kidding. (John Updike)

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. (Thomas Merton)

Spring is nature’s way of saying “Let’s Party!” (Robin Williams)

To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease. (Andrew Taylor Still, D.O.)

My friends all say that I have intimacy issues–but they don’t know me! (Gary Shandling)

My parents didn’t want to move to Florida, but then they turned sixty and that’s the law. (Jerry Seinfeld)

Our lives are dependent on a relationship with words . (Jason Reynolds)

The only way to protect the right to publish is to publish. (Ben Bradlee)

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. That’s why it’s important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are. (Maya Angelou)

And now we welcome the New Year—full of things that have never been. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations. (George Orwell)

Any day that is designated to shower the person you love with love is my favorite holiday. (Kevin Nealon)

Out of the crooked timber of humanity no straight thing was ever made. (Immanuel Kant)

There is a time in the last few days of summer when the ripeness of Autumn fills the air. (Rudolfo Anaya)

Fire, by it’s very definition, is vibrantly alive. It eats everything from wood to flesh, excreting the waste as ash and it breathes air just like a human. (Dan Wells)

And in the end—the love you take is equal to the love you make. (Sir Paul McCartney)

Life can only be understood backwards. Unfortunately it can only be lived forward. (Kierkegaard)

A child enters your home and for the next eighteen years makes so much noise you can hardly stand it. Then the child departs, leaving the house so silent you think you’re going mad. (John Andrew Holmes)

I refuse to accept that mankind is bound to the starless midnight of racism…I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Running is nothing more than a series of arguments between the part of your brain that wants to stop and the part of your brain that wants to keep going. (DailyRunBuddy at

Summer has always been my favorite season. I just feel happier. (Zooey Deschanel)

Dad taught me everything I know. Unfortunately he didn’t teach me everything he knows. (Al Unser)

ObGyns have spent the last eight years trying to get women to use long-acting birth control; with one Election Day, we have increased it by more than 250 percent. (Ann Laros)

I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it. (Harry S. Truman)

One of the features of scientific progress is that as soon as one question is answered, two more come into focus of which we were previously unaware. (Neil Degrasse Tyson)

Every one of us some day will be brought to our knees. That common humanity inspires our mercy. It drives us to look out for the sick, the elderly, the poor and the most vulnerable among us. (Joe Kennedy III)

Nella botte piccola c’e il vino buono. (In small barrels, there’s good wine.) (Old Italian proverb)

You may have the universe if I may have Italy. (Giuseppe Verdi)

Most people dream while they are asleep. But a writer dreams intentionally. (Haruki Murakami)

It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor. (Max Eastman)

The secret is to have eight great players and four others who will cheer like crazy. (Jerry Tarkanian)

I don’t give a shit about anything, yet I simultaneously have opinions on everything. (Hannah Horvath)

Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife. (Franz Schubert)

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. (Edmund Burke)

Who can turn the world on with her smile? Who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile? (MTM Theme Song)

It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have. (James Baldwin)

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. (Oprah Winfrey)

The English language is like London: proudly barbaric yet deeply civilized too; common yet royal, vulgar yet processional, sacred yet profane. (Stephen Fry)

Nothing says holidays like a cheese log. (Ellen DeGeneres)

Truth, like beauty seems to be in the eye and mind of the beholder. (Helene Munson)

There’s nothing wrong with seeing color. It’s how you treat color that’s important. (Trevor Noah)

The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution that works, is family. (Lee Iacocca)

May your stuffing be tasty, may your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes & gravy have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious, may your pies take the prize,
May your Thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs! (C.J. Beaman)

Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting it to kill your enemy. (Nelson Mandela)

Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. We would hope they would be the same half. (Gore Vidal)

When one with honeyed words but evil mind persuades the mob, great woes befall the state. (Euripides)

Football is like life–it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority. (Vince Lombardi)

Some of it’s magic, some of it’s tragic, but I had a good life along the way. (Jimmy Buffett)

By rapidly substituting virtual reality for reality, we are diminishing the scope of our interactions even as we multiply the number of people with whom we interact. (Andrew Sullivan)

Some people can find peace in the middle of a hurricane; that’s the person I’m striving to be. (Stephen F Campbell)

A person who publishes a book willfully appears before the populace with his pants down. If it is good…nothing can hurt him. If it is bad…nothing can help him. (Edna St. Vincent Millay)

I believe when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade…and try to find someone whose life has given them vodka–and have a party. (Ron White)

If I can make my wife laugh, I know I’m on the right track. (Gene Wilder)

Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is certain–your life will never be the same! (Catherine Jones)

Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and it lasts a lifetime. (Mineko Iwasaki)

Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well. (George R.R. Martin)

Leadership is not about the next election, it’s about the next generation. (Simon Sinek)

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes. (Marcel Proust)

The opposite of love is not hate. It’s indifference. (Elie Wiesel)

The British people have made a very clear decision to take a different path…but I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. (PM David Cameron)

Sono di continuo a caccia di parole. (I am constantly hunting for words.) (Jhumpa Lahiri)

The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life. (Muhammad Ali)

When members of a society wish to secure that society’s rich heritage they cherish their arts and respect their artists. (Maya Angelou)

A wise man once said the true history of the world is the history of great conversations in elegant rooms. (Tyrion Lannister)

Running is a road to self-awareness and reliance–you can push yourself to extremes and learn the harsh realities of your physical and mental limitations, or coast quietly down a solitary path watching the earth spin beneath your feet. (Doris Brown Heritage)

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. (Prince)

Science and experience proves it–the foundation of a happy, healthy, energetic and productive life is a good night’s rest. (Gretchen Rubin)

Lots of people want to ride in the limo with you; but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. (Oprah Winfrey)

Canada is like a loft apartment over a really great party. Like, “Keep it down, ey?” (Robin Williams)

A vacation is having nothing to do and having all day to do it in. (Robert Orben)

Many a man who goes to Las Vegas to get away from it all soon finds that Las Vegas gets it all away from him. (Evan Esar)

You know what they call alternative medicine that’s been proven to work? Medicine! (Tim Minchin)

Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in that recognition. (Alexander Smith)

The way I see it–if you want the rainbow then you gotta put up with the rain. (Dolly Parton)

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. (Woody Allen)

“You’re like a gas leak–we don’t see you, we don’t feel you–but you’re killing us all.” (Robert De Niro in the movie, “Joy”)

If it’s true that we “are what we eat”, then most of us would be unrecognizable during that period that ranges from the night before Thanksgiving, to that day in early January when everyone decides to return to the gym. (Rachel Nichols)

Hanukkah is the festival of lights….Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights! (Adam Sandler)

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough. (Oprah Winfrey)

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

If someone tells you, “you complete me”…RUN! (Whoopi Goldberg)

I played for 18 years, but the only thing that meant anything to me was the World Series. (Joe Torre)

We are the people our parents warned us about. (Jimmy Buffet)

To change the world we must be good to those who cannot repay us. (Pope Francis)

The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. (Ernest Hemingway)

We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon our follies. (Voltaire)

What are the things that you can’t see that are important? I would say justice, truth, humility, service, passion, love. You can’t see any of those, but they are the guiding lights of a life. (President Jimmy Carter)

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. (Sydney J Harris)

People can take a lot from you. They can take everything except your mind and your heart. Those things you have to give away. I decided not to give them away and neither should you. (Nelson Mandela)

Vicinity to the sea is desirable for a vacation, because it is easier to do nothing by the sea than anywhere else. (E.F. Benson)

Summer afternoon–summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. (Henry James)

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined. (Henry David Thoreau)

There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. (President Bill Clinton)

By all means, attribute my legitimate feelings of sadness to menses. (Piper Chapman, OITNB)

It was being a runner that mattered, not how fast or how far I could run. (John Bingham)

I want what we all want– a comfortable couch, a nice beverage, a weekend of no distractions, and a book that will lift me out of my existence and alter my thinking forever. (Elizabeth Gilbert)

Never go on trips with anyone you do not love. (Ernest Hemingway)

LOVE–Neuroscience tells us it activates the same parts of the brain as habit-forming addiction. It makes us feel like we can do anything…be anything…achieve anything…and once we taste it–we want more. (Meredith Grey)

When dealing with older women, a trip to the hairdresser and two Bloody Marys goes further than any prescription drug. (George Hodgman)

Women will only have true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation. (Ruth Bader Ginsberg)

The human failing I would most like to correct is aggression. It may have had survival advantage in caveman days, to get more food, territory, or a partner with whom to reproduce, but now it threatens to destroy us all. (Stephen Hawking)

A lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears. (The Dowager Grantham)

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine. (Alan Turing)

I can assure you that the journey of following your deepest desires–of letting your heart lead you–is worth everything. It’s the key to health, vibrancy, and joy today and at every age. (Dr. Christiane Northrup)

It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings. (Ann Landers)

He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts. (Samuel Johnson)

One life is too short for doing everything. (Massimo Vignelli)

I hear and I forget. I see and I believe. I do and I understand. (Confucius)

Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll have inner peace. If you have that–you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined. (Johnny Carson)

Travel makes one modest…You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. (Gustave Flaubert)

In flying, as in life, when there is a little turbulence, it is usually only the beginning. (Anonymous)

When I was in school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up–“Happy” I said…they said I didn’t understand the assignment. I told them they didn’t understand life. (John Lennon)

Keep doing what you love, remember your friends, and show gratitude to all who inspire you. (Paul McCartney)

Becoming a mother doesn’t change you so much as violently refurbish you, even though you’re still the same underneath it all. (Heather Havrilesky, NYTimes)

A wonderful thing about true laughter is that it just destroys any kind of system dividing people. (John Cleese)

Age is just a case of mind over matter…if you don’t mind, it don’t matter. (Satchel Paige)

You know you’re getting old when you get ONE candle on the cake…it’s like, “See if you can blow this one out. (Jerry Seinfeld)

Pick interesting friends. Your friendships will be the backbone of your life. (Have some friends who are doctors–that really comes in handy.) (Dr. Amy Tuteur)

Fighting aging is like the War on Drugs. It’s expensive, does more harm than good, and has been proven to never end. (Amy Poehler)

Respect isn’t something you command through intimidation and intellectual bullying. It’s something you build through a long life of treating people how you want to be treated. (Laurie Simmons–Lena Dunham’s mother)

It’s confidence that allows you to pull anything off–even sandals with socks. (Lena Dunham)

Through literacy you can begin to see the universe. Through music, you can reach anybody. Between the two is you–unstoppable. (Grace Slick)

In the end, it’s your run and yours alone. Others can run with you, but no one can run it for you. (

At the end of your life, you have to ask yourself two things, “Did I live fully?” and “Did I love well?” and if you can say yes to those two questions, then you’re home free. (Ellen Burstyn)

But in the end, they’re the people you always come home to. Sometimes it’s the family you’re born into, and sometimes it’s the one you make for yourself. (Carrie Bradshaw)

Student debt is kind of like HPV–if you go to college, you are most likely going to have to get it–and it will follow you for the rest of your life. (John Oliver)

When we are worried, stressed and scared, we lose touch with our natural compassion. Mindfulness helps us slow down, see clearly and stay connected to our deepest values. (Anonymous)

In football, as in life–it’s not all about what you can accomplish on the field, but about how you play the game. (Jerry Rice)

Love is like an earthquake–unpredictable, and scary; but only when the hard part is over do you realize how lucky you truly are. (Anonymous)

There are two things we should give our children: One is roots, the other is wings. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone. (Robin Williams)

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. (Maya Angelou)

The good thing about science is it’s true whether or not you believe it. (Neil Degrasse Tyson)

A true friend is one that thinks you are a good egg–even though she knows that you are slightly cracked. (Bernad Meltzer)

You’re not old just because you start leaving yourself little notes around the house–unless the notes say things like “Put on your socks before your shoes.” (Anonymous)